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7 Must Learn Topics to Keep Up with Technology

Technology develops incredibly fast. So fast in fact, that we see a doubling of computational power worldwide every 18 months. With this much power, new possibilities open up and remove the old technologies, considered obsolete for a good reason. However, with all that is happening in the IT world right now, staying on top of all the tech developments can be difficult. So difficult in fact, that somebody in their 30s can feel left out and out of touch.

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Why Keep Up with Technology? 

Technology makes our lives easier. From smart green gadgets that reduce your electricity bills to Samsung’s laundry-folding machine, technology is there to take over the jobs we consider repetitive and boring or simply not worth doing. However, the majority of tech breakthroughs actually happen behind the stage, and cannot be seen, such as technology in education. They result in faster and better services as we know them and speed up our daily tasks.

Must-Learn Tech Topics 

As technology is omnipresent in our lives, it is only natural that we utilize its power. However, not all the developments are there for residential use. Most of the development actually happens with big B2B players in mind. Offering unprecedented technological and analytical capabilities, technology can indeed improve one’s workflow and offer better insights into the market and project development.

However, as you may feel left out when people start talking about one kind of technology or another, here are the top tech trends to be aware of to stay in touch with technology development:

  • AI - Artificial Intelligence, 

  • Deep Learning, 

  • BlockChain, 

  • Crypto Currencies, 

  • Virtual Reality, 

  • Augmented Reality, and 

  • Robotics.

AI - Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial intelligence first appeared as a concept in the second half of the 20th century. From then on, the technology has been made (in a primitive form) and has been implemented in a variety of industries. The most notable development is in the field of banking, where AI observes transactions and stops suspicious money transfers. 

Deep Learning 

Deep Learning algorithms are supposed to mimic how the human mind works. You can contact letsgradeit.com for an essay on how the mind works and how DL can mimic this process. Very often, DL gets mixed up with AI - but there is one crucial difference. While AI is supplied by a set of rules to follow, DL technology can draw its own conclusions and learn similarly to the way humans can. 


Blockchain is what all the fuss is about. Offering unprecedented opportunities for security and monetary transactions, blockchain is a type of platform that resides on many computers. Without any need for human intervention, the network updates itself over several computers and ensures that all copies are synced - the foundation stone for security issues. 

Crypto Currencies 

Crypto Currencies do not exist in a physical form. They reside on blockchain technology and include the same safety protocols. The biggest difference to regular currencies is that crypto can be mined - made at home, using your own computer. 

Virtual Reality 

Virtual reality mimics reality as we know it. Providing a new and safe setting, it has a myriad of applications. From training new pilots and F1 drivers, the technology offers great chances for learning in a safe environment before heading out into the real world. 

Augmented Reality 

Mixing the VR and reality itself, augmented reality has its own applications as well. Offering a more steady hand during medical procedures and offering more information on Google Lens than your own eyes could pick out, the technology is set for success. Issues around privacy push the technology back, but with better regulation and safety standards, the tech could become mainstream in the next decade. 


Robotics has started combining DL and AI technologies with existing machines. The only tech on the page that can be applied in the most physical sense, robotics can now actually manipulate self-recognized objects in real-time and space. This opens new possibilities in factories, as well as substituting humans in dangerous workplaces.

Final Considerations 

Technology is there to make our lives easier, but as there is simply so much happening around the globe, it can be difficult to understand and stay in touch with it all. For this reason, we’ve come up with a list of 7 must-learn topics to keep up with the technology. We hope you find it as useful as we did.