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Why Should You Consider Purchasing a MacBook?

The ongoing argument between what is better between macOS and Windows continues to leave people second-guessing their choices. For some, Windows are a more superior option regardless of what new twists macOS fans come up with. And it is vice-versa for those who are loyal to Apple.

This article will focus on what makes Macs superior. Let's take a look at things that Apple fans use to make their case.

Ease of Use

It is no secret that both Windows and macOS have a plethora of neat features, but it does not mean that you should make the final decision based on that. No, you need to look further than that.

What is important is how comfortable users are with the device. According to https://setapp.com/ you can access your MacBook remotely from any location using a smartphone or a tablet, which is quite valuable, particularly nowadays when people are working remotely. For example, you may want to give access to the MacBook for your coworker, and setting up the feature is not that challenging.

The user interface is also worth a shout. Those who switch from Windows to macOS often say how happy they are with the MacBook's user interface. 

Sure, it might be a while before you are familiar with keyboard shortcuts, built-in tools, and other aspects of the UI, but using a Mac is a breeze once you get into it.

Price in the Long Run

On the surface, MacBooks might seem overpriced, particularly when you consider their hardware. However, when you consider long-term value, Macs are more valuable.

A custom-built PC or a laptop will lose value in time. Their hardware gets outdated, and at best, people can sell user hardware pieces for some money and get a bit in return, but they will then need to invest in a new device.

Meanwhile, Macs are known for their longevity and hardware, meaning that you do not have to worry about the device's value decreasing over time as much. 

Besides, Apple is known for its innovation, and there are plenty of plans to improve hardware for future MacBooks, so if you have been eyeing a Mac for yourself, getting one sooner rather than later is a good idea.

Simplicity in Purchasing

Purchasing a MacBook comes with limited options, but do not think of it as a downside. If anything, not having to waste time browsing through different models is a good thing. Unlike a custom computer, you can pick a model that fits your needs and get a MacBook.

Having to pick different parts, picking from multiple manufacturers and sellers, and struggling to find desirable hardware because it is out of stock complicates things for those who are eager to build a PC. These issues are not a thing that MacBook users have to trouble themselves with.


It is worth noting that these days, software is not really an exclusive thing when it comes to operating systems. For example, VLC, the most popular video player, is available on both Windows and macOS. Not to mention how consumers use streaming platforms for their media needs. 

Having said that, there are still some neat goods available on the official App Store that you can download on your MacBook. If you have an iPhone, then there is an even bigger benefit since you can use the same app on both your computer and a smartphone. For instance, to sync files on iCloud and access them later.


Cybersecurity threats are not as prominent among macOS users because the operating system is not as popular as Windows. How does that work? Well, if someone is developing a virus or malware, they want to target as many devices, and it is natural to focus on Windows in this case.

That is not to say that MacBooks are prone to malware. There are still plenty of threats that could infect the device. It is just the fact that the chances of that happening are lower overall.

OS Upgrades

Those who have owned Windows computers for years know how bothersome it is to upgrade from one OS version to another. And it is not just the time you spend going through everything. There have been cases when a new Windows version caused problems, particularly during the major updates. Thankfully, Microsoft is investing more in beta testing these days, so that should fix some problems for the future.

Apple, on the other hand, is known for smooth transitions from one version to the next, and switching to a new macOS comes with hardly any hiccups, not to mention that these upgrades are free, while Windows users need to pay for a new Windows version.