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Samsung Announces The Galaxy Note 10, S10 and Galaxy A Enterprise Editions

Samsung has announced six new devices in the "Enterprise Edition" range mainly dedicated to companies. These are not new phones, but rather variants that receive extensive software and technical support. Companies that will choose to buy Samsung phones for employees will be able to choose from both flagship models such as the Note 10 and S10, as well as more "modest" variants such as the Galaxy A50 or XCover 4s. However, these are the only Samsung phones that receive four years of software updates.

Samsung promises customers who purchase Enterprise Edition variants for the Galaxy Note10, Galaxy S10, Galaxy S10e, Galaxy A50, Galaxy A40, and Galaxy XCover 4s that it will deliver four years of software updates, and these updates will not only include security enhancements, but also new variants of the Android operating system (but probably only two major versions of Android will be delivered).

This situation puts Samsung in a very strange light, as phones that are not purchased under the "Enterprise" program receive only two years of major updates and three security updates. Thus, Samsung confirms that it will develop new updates with new variants of Android for the same hardware, but will only offer it to companies.

Galaxy phones in the Enterprise Edition range also benefit from three years of hardware maintenance and quick technical support, with the promise that most problems will be resolved within the next business day.

Of course, in terms of devices to be used in companies, Samsung promises improved security through Knox Configure, an application that can set restrictions on content, applications and settings, as well as function E-FOTA (Enterprise firmware-over-the-air), which allows faster delivery of updates on the "fleet" of devices. Of course, Knox Configure can delete all remote data from each device separately for security (if an employee loses the phone, or is stolen, for example).

Samsung has unveiled the new Enterprise Edition series in the UK and promises to add new models to the offer as they launch. Of course, there are no public prices for these devices, as Samsung expects to sell them at volume to companies, each probably receiving a personalized offer. Considering the extended software support and maintenance, the cost per unit should be significantly higher than in specialty stores.